
It is so important that in today’s market a product has a brand identity. KP Graphics has qualified Brand marketers to ensure that your brand gets noticed as well as becomes a famous purchased brand. By Using many different elements to enhance your brand it will make it easier for your customers to recognise your brand amongst million others.


Nearly every single product and services need to be advertised so that the desired target market are aware of the product or services and all the benefits it has to offer. KP Graphics has been in the industry for over 7 years and has developed special relationships with many media houses , and newspapers. All KP Graphics clients get special rates on newspaper adverts.


With a team of qualified marketing managers , KP Graphics will be able to provide all customers with the best marketing campaigns and strategies for each product or service that you offer your customers


Have anything and everything that you can think of printed. KP Graphics has machinery to print on paper ( posters , post cards , business cards , flyers , brochures , DL Leaflets ) ,vehicle signage , outdoor signage , and promotional items. There are many samples available to view , simply email or contact our offices.


To ensure that apart from marketing and advertising your brand to the desired target market it is also very important that products or services are promoted. Using promotional items and promotional students to create awareness and attention to the brand. KP Graphics stocks over 5000 promotional items to meet every customers needs .

KP Graphics can also distribute the promotional items out using promotional students at specific targeted areas. Please visit our promotional website: for ideas as well as branding options.


A small year end cocktail function to a massive wine show KP Graphics has the ability to ensure that your event is successful and very professionally executed. All equipment is housed at the KP Graphics warehouse in Sandton , this ensures that clients does not pay the added extra costs. KP Graphics also ensures that your functions are insured and has the correct emergency procedures in place for every event. Event managers , event staff , clean up crews , dismantling and installation crews are available for every event.

View our extensive gallery to see events hosted by KP Graphics, or contact us to make your event special.